viernes, 1 de agosto de 2008

LOS ANGELES TIMES destaca declaraciones del Dr. Vincho Castillo

El influyente diario Los Angeles Times ha reaccionado acerca de las afirmaciones del Dr. Marino Vinicio Castillo (Vincho) en cuanto a culpar a Estados Unidos por la escasa asistencia proporcionada a República Dominicana en la lucha contra el tráfico de drogas.*

Con el siguiente escrito

Dominican Republic wants more U.S help to fight drug traffic; criticizes Merida Initiative

The Dominican Republic's drug czar has criticized the United States for failing to support Caribbean nations in their fight against drug wars, while at the same time handing millions of dollars to Mexico and Central America to help them fight their powerful drug cartels and organized crime.

Quoted in Dominican Today this morning, Marino Vinicio Castillo, who is the drug advisor to the country's executive branch, said that the United States government's neglect of the Dominican Republic is obvious.

"As an example he said Plan Merida, in which the U.S. gives US $500 million to Mexico and Central America to fight drug cartels, organized crime and human trafficking, but donates only US $2.5 million to Dominican Republic and Haiti for the same effort."

The Merida Initiative has been criticized as being too much money, coming too late, by some, and not enough money by others. Read here to see a discussion by two experts, and here to read more about Plan Merida in general.

-- Deborah Bonello in Mexico City

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*Vincho observa auge del narcotráfico y critica a EEUU, a los tribunales y al Senado

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